Paper Here, Get Your Paper...
Grab a copy of the Wheeling Intelligencer Sunday Newspaper! Family Roots Farm is the feature in the LIFE section. Nora, a talented writer, captured our story & journey in agriculture. You can view the online story here
Providing our community with a source of local foods is very rewarding and led us to expand into Agritourism. We welcome visitors throughout the year to connect with their food and learn how it is produced.

Are you curious about how we make maple syrup? Would you like to make maple syrup in your backyard?
We are here to help! A great opportunity for a Maple 101 overview is Mountain State Maple Days at Family Roots Farm. On March 19th we will over free tours with any purchase. Reservations are required to help with the flow of traffic and can be made online.
Be sure to subscribe to our website to celebrate the seasons with us! In May we will begin welcoming you-pickers to our farm. You don't want to miss those sweet juicy strawberries.