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Spring has Sprung!

Have you been spotting signs of spring? In our neck of the woods, it has been a bit tricky between fridged nights, dreary days, and snow flurries. I spy, Spring edition, in the car has been a pretty intense rival between Grady & Mylah. From flowers peaking out of the ground to birds chirping there are many signs of Spring if we just take a moment to slow down.

Grady has been fascinated with all the insects emerging & mud, while Mylah is all about the worms. But let's just say it has not all been "Rosy"

Unfortunately with below-average cold temperatures we have had some plant loss and are dealing with a fungal infection caused by poor airflow and humidity. The spores live in soil and travel through the air. When our plants have been under cold stress, it made them susceptible to developing the disease. (Just as in humans >> immune

response) While we learn to manage to control, we have been forced to delay planting in some areas. Our anticipated harvest of June 1st for high tunnel crops has been delayed to June 15th.

We challenge you - what sign of Spring have you seen? Or maybe take a moment to observe. Use all your senses to experience Mother Nature's Spring. For us, we are enjoying smelling the ramps, seeing the flowers, hearing the birds, tasting the maple syrup, and touching the slimy worms. Now it's your turn! Hop to it, comment with your Spring findings.

Have a blessed Easter - Family Roots

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