Our Strawberry plants are in full bloom and beginning to set fruit! It is looking like we will have a great season and are looking forward to welcoming you-pickers soon.
Picking will be Wednesdays and Saturdays (times to be announced). Strawberries will be first come first serve unless you are attending a special event.
2022 Strawberry Pricing
WE PICK: 6.75 a quart OR $50 a flat Orders will be filled in order received based on availability. Place your orders here.
YOU PICK: 5.75 a quart OR $22 a gallon
Strawberries first come first serve. Wednesday 9-12, 6-8 Saturdays 9-12.
YOU PICK BULK PICKERS: $20 a gallon for weekday picking. MUST pre-schedule picking time OR sign up for our ON-CALL pickers for an additional discount!
Limited Availability for Monday group visits - please contact britney@familyrootsfarmwv.com for more information.
Special Events
Guaranteed Picking for guests attending special events. Register Online
